May 22, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
I actually haven't read A Need So Beautiful before, and yet I am not really all that lost in this book! Granted there are things I feel like the reader will know if they read the first book and I likely will one of these days, but since the main character doesn't really know what's going on with herself and feeling like there are things she should know, but doesn't, having really weird and "familiar" dreams, I feel like I'm learning right along side of her! 
So of course if there are characters that were in the first book and are popping up now, I don't know them, but neither does Elise. But I do get the feeling that these people may be going by other names too. Definitely going to have to add the first book to my growing by the day TBR list!
And is just me or does this cover model sort of look like a youngish and less awkward Michelle Trachtenberg aka Dawn from Buffy?
"When I hand him a soda, our fingers touching once again, the smile that makes me melt returns to his lips. 'So,' Harlin asks, leaning against the tiled counter. 'Where do you want to do it?'" p 157*

*Page number comes from my ARC copy, therefore, it and the quote are not final

TITLE: A Want So Wicked
AUTHOR: Suzanne Young
Balzer & Bray (A division of HarperCollinns Publishers)
Paranormal YA
June 26, 2012