May 29, 2012

ARC Review--Arise by Tara Hudson

Amelia—still caught between life and death—must fight for every moment of her relationship with the human boy Joshua. They can hardly even kiss without Amelia accidentally dematerializing. Looking for answers, they go to visit some of Joshua’s Seer relatives in New Orleans. But even in a city so famously steeped in the supernatural, Amelia ends up with more questions than answers…and becomes increasingly convinced that she and Joshua can never have a future together.Wandering through the French Quarter, Amelia meets other in-between ghosts, and begins to seriously consider joining them. And then she meets Gabrielle. Somehow, against impossible odds, Gaby has found a way to live a sort of half-life...a half-life for which Amelia would pay any price. Torn between two worlds, Amelia must choose carefully, before the evil spirits of the netherworld choose for her.

I received this ARC at the Romantic Times Booklovers' Convention via the Goody Room for review

Tara Hudson's Arise was the perfect sequel to Hereafter! This is truly one of the greatest ghost books I've read in a loooong time! And as I said before, ghost books can be hard to write, particularly when there's a romance involved, but Tara can really make it happen!

It's nearly Christmas time, only a few months have passed since the events of Hereafter. And Amelia is still struggling with her new found ability to materialize. She can't seem to control it. At the most inopportune moments--like when she's kissing Joshua--she'll disappear to somewhere. But she is always able to come back.

New Orleans is quite the city. And when Amelia meets Joshua's family, she really does meet his cousins. They are Seers in training in way. They can't see ghosts yet, but they can hear them. Although Alex, who is a friend of the family, can see Amelia. Amelia is overwhelmed by their friendliness since her greeting from Ruth, Joshua's grandmother, had been less than warm.

Amelia also meets other ghosts in New Orleans. Everything is pretty new and exciting, yet Amelia soon learns--and I can't say how or who--that by staying with Joshua, she might be putting him in danger from the spirits of the netherworld. Amelia is forced to make a rash decision as to what to do. She wants more than anything to protect Joshua, but at what cost?

Arise was pretty intense! I didn't think it could top the danger and action that we got in Hereafter, but it totally took me by surprise! Amelia finds some surprises herself as well! And we are talking big surprises! I cannot imagine how Tara will be able to top this one next year with Elegy, but I am willing to bet she will surprise me again!

Gabrielle is a new character you will meet and I loved her! She was spunky and spontaneous! Joshua and Amelia were still their adorable selves! I truly do love their relationship! It's really not at all awkward being that he's alive and she's a ghost. I cannot wait to see where else Tara takes their relationship come the next book!

There wasn't much dwelling into Amelia's father, the little we learned about him last time is still relevant in the beginning and a tad in the middle of the book, as is another mysterious character. I think they might be more important and focused on next time. But other than that there wasn't much that disappointed me in this book. Some new mysteries pop up naturally and for the most part were resolved, except for the necessary cliffhangers. But it wasn't the killer, agonizing cliffhanger we usually know. Think of it as an unresolved plot line that will be brought back up later.

Arise was breathtakingly beautiful! This is definitely a must-read if you've already read Hereafter or plan to!

Overall rating 4.5/5 stars

Arise releases June 5, 2012