May 10, 2012

Random Thursday

Ahh, it's Thursday, just one more day til Friday. While not the best day of the week (Thursday) I do have fun blogging on this day! Since it is my random nonsense post!

Today I am here to tell you about another fab series that is in danger of ending. When I say this it means that right now, the publisher is not going to buy any more books from the author in this particular series. It is a tragedy! A pure and utter tragedy!

It's happened to Jeannie Holmes's hit series, the Alexia Sabian series--which I talked about awhile back here.

It is likely happening with Maria Snyder's Inside Out series as I have not heard otherwise about a third book.

And now, poor Kelly Meding is in the same boat with her Dreg City series. I still have to read the latest (and possible last) release.

This was a series where Evie Stone died and came back to life in someone else's body and she only has 3 days to borrow it before being booted out.

It was a killer mystery with a healthy dose of paranormal added in! Evie was one kick ass heroine, trapped in the body of someone who wasn't so kick ass. But Evie still managed somehow!

There is some romance in the series as well when she runs across someone she used to work with. It was pretty intense too since Evie really only has 3 days before she "expires". Yet as there are currently four books in this series, you automatically know something happens...or do you????

Yes vague, but not really, but not really going in one direction or another! That's the scattered brain thoughts of Random Thursday!

So as I was saying, the series is in danger of being cancelled! So I am here to tell you to buy the books! Read the books! Review the books! Don't let another thrilling series die due to low sales or whatever.

I would link up my reviews of said books, but I can't seem to find them except for last year's release. I know when the books came out I wasn't as active as a blogger since the community wasn't as widespread. 

So here is the link to my review of Another Kind of Dead, but this is book 3, just so you know!

This really is a fabulous series and I blame myself for not being a good blogger a few years ago and not having these earlier reviews up. But you can easily find reviews on other blogs!

Here's the goodreads link that will take you the series page! And really this is an awesome series! I mean there's a wolf on this last cover! I soooo need to get caught up in my 2012 releases after my review books!