May 3, 2012

Random Thursday

It's May 3rd!! Do you know what that means???


If you said it means that there's 362 days left til RT 2013, you'd be CORRECT!

I've just about wined down from RT 2012! And yes I am already looking forward to RT 2013. Normally I wouldn't go 2 years in a row since it is a pricey venture. Yet next year it's in Kansas City, Missouri!! A mere 4 hours--and some odd minutes I am sure--away from me! It would be a crime NOT to go!

So I am! There's nothing up yet on the website since it's so early, but you can bet I will be watching it like a hound! I plan on registering early and getting a hotel room early too. 

Unfortunately this past year, I was without a roommate. Which when it comes time to check out, it's nice to be able to get some sort of price break.

So I'm saying this now, I am definitely going to RT! And I am looking for a roommate! I know it's early and many of you might not have any idea what you're doing the week of May 1-5, 2013 but I will keep bringing this up every now and then! The rooms fill up quickly, and I always find it best to stay at the hotel hosting the convention because it just makes things so much easier!!

I will say that I am a good roommate! ;) Yeah, never had one really or been one, but I think of myself as a good one! I am not much of a night owl, so I don't stay at all the parties at night real late. But I am a morning person. I like waking up early at the convention to get to things early!

Every year they get more and more registrants. Whether it's full convention or partial days, there's a lot of people. So if you want into things, you get there early is what I've learned! I won't even tell you what time I woke up to get ready and be in line for the massive signing on Saturday! ;)

So yeah, I would love a roommate! Especially if you're a blogger too! That'd be fun! Again, I will bring this up periodically, so don't feel the need to commit to anything now, obviously! I'm just weird and like to plan things early! Like in 2011, I knew I couldn't go to LA, so I kept waiting for news of RT 2012, so I could make my plans!

If you ever want to discuss possibilities about rooming together at anytime, feel free to email me!