Jun 17, 2024

Let's Discuss: Deluxe vs Standard Editions


So I finally got hit with another topic to discuss with you all! I was just starting to feel like June might be my worst month to date, when naturally, two ideas popped up in my head! So expect another discussion tomorrow! Lol!

Deluxe vs Standard Editions

So you've probably all have been noticing that (at least in the YA books) there's been a slew of what the publishers are dubbing DELUXE EDITIONS! I'll admit they are truly something! Sometimes there might be an alternate cover, but other times we're seeing the gorgeous sprayed or stenciled edges on the pages! This is probably my favorite feature that I've been seeing lately! Even the ones that are just a solid color are pretty. Never in all my book collecting years would I have thought to see sprayed edges. 

Which is funny, because some of my classic books in the leather bound collections tended to have gold gilded pages! Why it took so long to think of sprayed and stenciled pages is something else entirely! I know there have been a handful of people doing themselves and my favorite is Bookish Signs and More! Not only do I LOVE Amber's signs she makes but the pages she ends up decorating are gorgeous too!

Then there's always the beloved bonus content we can get in some of these super deluxe editions. Or maybe just store related ones. Whichever they end up being in I love that too! Deleted scenes are the best! I always end up watching a movie's deleted scenes and some I've found really should've been left in because where they cut them out you always noticed a character running into a room breathless and you wonder, what just happened? Well, they had to cut it. Although I feel like authors are good about closing up those gaps when scenes need to be cut or shortened.

Another detail I enjoy are the embossed covers or even just having the "naked" hardcover look! Honestly, the "naked" ones are the best! Not only do you not have to worry about the cover ripping on you, but you get this super amazing cover design and I'd say over half the time they are embossed and I love the texture of that too!

Needless to say, I am a fan of these super DELUXE editions! I'm somewhat baffled too that they still make a standard edition too. Perhaps I haven't seen it all the time. Or maybe that's just the anticipation of the second print run. But every once in awhile I see a publisher post or author post where they show the deluxe and standard edition together and I'm like, they're both out at the same time? Granted, by now, we know the these super deluxe editions are only on the first print run. So I always make sure to preorder when they are ones I simply must have!

What about you? Are you a fan of the "new" deluxe editions publisher have been putting out? What's your favorite customization that they do?

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