Jun 7, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #309


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Summer often means more time for reading. Do you have a list of books you're eager to start during June's warm days? Do you have a summer reading goal? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Honestly, since entering "adulthood," summer is just another season. There's still work and life and blah, blah! Summer no longer means more time for reading sadly. But I still read! Don't get me wrong, I read all year long, lol. As for what I will read this summer? Who's to say? Lol. I keep trying to read more of my TBR books. I'm also writing this post super early, like we're still in early Spring days early...so I don't really know what I plan to read. I'm something of a mood reader, like I'll have an idea of what I want to read and depending on the moment I might go with that or I could change my mind at the last second! But I will say that once I start a read, I stick with it!