Jun 19, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday


Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.



The eleventh book in the New York Times best-selling Villains series follows the downfall of Disney’s slickest, quickest, and smarmiest Gaston.

You may think this tale as old as time has been told before. You may know about the beauty, and the beast, and the curse they broke together. But some stories have more than one ending. Some stories have more than one villain.

Such is the story of Gaston. Growing up, young Gaston lived in the shadow of his friend, the prince. He agreed with the prince’s ideas, went along with the prince's schemes, and hid his own talents so that his best friend could shine.

But the prince paid a price for his wicked ways. As he grew more beastly and the world began to forget him, Gaston was no longer forced to pretend. He was determined, never again, to be second-best to anyone. No one says no to Gaston.

The mysterious Odd Sisters know an opportunity to meddle when they see it. And once they do, it just might lead to the downfall of everyone’s favorite guy.

New York Times best-selling author Serena Valentino brings readers back to the tale of that beauty, her beast, and the man who was truly forgotten all along.


SUPER excited to read this one! I was always surprised that Valentino wrote one for the Beast when he wasn't necessarily the villain. Yes, yes, he was a grumpy old beast in the beginning, but that's because he was a douche bag prince. I can't remember what we learned of his time when he was human up to being turned into an animalistic beast. But yeah, that's a debate for another time! I'm excited for Gaston's "story" and that he was friends with the prince as a young lad! This will be an interesting one...now I just need to get caught up in the series so I can read it! I've got 3 books to go until I'm caught up!

TITLE: Kill the Beast
AUTHOR: Serena Valentino

PUBLISHER: Disney Hyperion
GENRE: Disney
RELEASE DATE: July 30, 2024

In this epic and seductive gothic fantasy, a vampire escapes the thrall of Dracula and embarks on her own search for self-discovery and true love.

Her name was written in the pages of someone else's story: Lucy Westenra was one of Dracula's first victims.

But her death was only the beginning. Lucy rose from the grave a vampire, and has spent her immortal life trying to escape from Dracula's clutches--and trying to discover who she really is and what she truly wants.

Her undead life takes an unexpected turn when, in twenty-first-century London, she meets another woman who is also yearning to break free from her past. Iris’s family has built a health empire based on a sinister secret, and they’ll do anything to stay in power.

Lucy has long believed she would never love again. But she finds herself compelled by the charming Iris, while Iris is mesmerized by the confident and glamorous Lucy. But their intense connection and blossoming love is threatened by forces from without. Iris's mother won't let go of her without a fight, and Lucy's past still has fangs: Dracula is on the prowl again.

Lucy Westenra has been a tragically murdered teen, a lonesome adventurer, and a fearsome hunter, but happiness always eluded her. Can she find the strength to destroy Dracula once and for all, or will her heart once again be her undoing?


I am always a little hesitant going into books that feel like they might be heavy on the history in a historical fantasy fiction novel but when it involves vampires, especially having the Dracula vibes...it gets my attention! I never did get around to reading White's YA Vlad inspiration story, but only because I thought it didn't really have vampires in it...but it's been so long I can't remember what people said that had me hesitant to read it. This one is definitely on my watch list though!


TITLE: Lucy Undying
AUTHOR: Keirsten White

GENRE: Historical Fantasy Fiction
RELEASE DATE: September 10, 2024

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