Jun 18, 2024

Let's Discuss: Deckled Edges


Okay so the second idea I got kind of goes hand in hand with yesterday's post, but I wouldn't really call this a deluxe customization. I feel like it's somewhat random when a publisher decides to go this route.

Deckled Edges: Yay or Nay?

Deckled edges; are you for them or against them? I'll admit, this is a tough one for me to answer. Yes, they do have some sort of visual appeal to them. It's different than the crisply cut pages. These can be a little rougher in a sense. 

One thing that I don't quite like about them is when there's "extra" paper hanging off the ends. I forget which book it was, but there was a pretty decent chunk of paper that just got folded inside the pages and it bugged me. Not enough where I felt skilled enough to trim it myself. I'm not that brave. Lol. But yeah. I don't always like it when there's that kind of excess hanging about.

Otherwise, I do find them somewhat visually appealing. At least in some sense. I guess when you stare at so many "perfected" books, seeing one that's the direct opposite kind of has some appeal to it.

I guess in the long run it just depends on my mood at the time if I am for them or against them. I guess it would also depend on the quality of said "deckling!" Lol. Some have been a little too rough around the edges and I've got extra pieces of paper falling into my lap that upsets me. Yes, it's usually just corner bits or edge bits and the page itself is still intact. But yeah.

Needless to say I probably have a love/hate relationship with them! Lol. It'll just depend on the day and their quality. What about you, do you love em or hate em? Are you indifferent to them?

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