Jun 1, 2024

Challenges Monthly Wrap-up: May

CHALLENGE 1: 2024 Series Enders Reading Challenge

Dark Stars by Danielle Rollins (Dark Star)

I'm now at 7/5 series completed! I feel like I am low key aiming for 14 series as that would put me at completing at least 1 series per month for the rest of the year! But again, terrified to set a goal for myself at this point! Maybe I'll say 10 series for now! Lol.

CHALLENGE 2: 2024 Discussion Challenge

The Five Senses Book Tag
My Name in Books
Mid-Binge Reading
Similar Covers
Forgetting Words

I had a rough month with discussions. I wasn't getting any ideas for one then in the last week alone three good enough ideas came to me! Lol. Now I forgot to note on here where in the 21-30 scale I was aiming for, I think it was 25...I'm currently at 28 so we'll just bump that up to 30 for now as my end goal!

CHALLENGE 3: 2024 Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge

A Witch's Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley (3/7/23)
Twisted Fates by Danielle Rollins (2/25/20)
Dark Stars by Danielle Rollins (3/2/21)
Belle Morte by Bella Higgin (4/5/22)
Revelations by Bella Higgin (5/9/23)

And this month marks the completion of my goal of 20 TBR books read! I feel good about this one! That means 20/30 books I've currently read this year were all "older" books. Yes, some were just last year releases but still, that's pretty good! I might up this one to 30 as I hope to keep reading more older books...but I am getting dangerously close to some anticipated new releases so who knows what will happen!

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