Jun 6, 2024

Books from the Backlog #86


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.


As a Walker between worlds, Del is responsible for the love of her life—and the fate of millions—in this thrilling sequel to Dissonance.

Del risked everything to save Simon, and now he’s gone, off in another world with no way for Del to find him.

She’s back at the Consort—training to be a Walker like everyone in her family. But the Free Walkers have other plans for her. This rebel group is trying to convince Del that the Consort is evil, and that her parents are unwittingly helping the Consort kill millions of people. The Free Walkers make Del the ultimate promise: if Del joins their fight, she will be reunited with Simon.

In agreeing, Del might be endangering her family. But if she doesn’t, innocent people will die, and Simon will be lost to her forever. The fate of the multiverse depends on her choice...



I added Resonance by Erica O'Rourke to my TBR in October of 2015. Starting to think that year I was really, really bad about adding my books to Goodreads! As this published in July of that year! Lol. This was yet another duology that I thought sounded intriguing but wanted to wait until I had both books on hand before picking it up. I'm pretty sure I met the author too when I made a Naperville trip...I want to say it was a multi-author signing, so it was worth that 4+ hour (one way) drive! Lol. This was at the height of YA Dystopian novels and I remember a blogging friend really, really liked the first one (I never read reviews for later books if I am not caught up in the series. So happy to read reviews of book 1 before I read it, but won't read the reviews for book 2 if I haven't read book 1), so I added it to my own TBR!





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