Jun 14, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #310


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What's your go-to book to start the summer, and why does it set the tone for the season? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: I don't really have a "go-to" book for kicking off summer reading. If anything I guess it will be the first summer release that makes my most anticipated reading list for the year! I guess since I always consider summer to start in June (even though the weather actually starts in May here...sometimes even late April if we're unlucky!) I will pick Danielle Valentine's Two Sides to Every Murder! This is one I am super excited for as I always love Danielle's YA thrillers! They are just decidedly good! Lol. They are just so well written and I get so caught up in them I'm jumping and gasping and trying to read as fast as life will allow!

Also now realizing I will still be in my work program when this releases so I might not get to read it as right away as I would like. Sigh...

But yes, still VERY EXCITED for this one!

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