Jun 9, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week has come and gone. Definitely getting into boring times without any events to look forward to. Work continues to be okay. We're slowly getting a little busier. I have to admit that it's kind of nice to be eased into our busy season. We'll get a few more requests than normal one day then it will be back to slow and then a little more back and forth. But that storm is slowly coming. I think we'll pick up a little more next month and then a little more again and then the swarm hits! My other program is going well too! Our group is making great progress and we're just a little bit ahead of the game. Our "graduation" is just a little over 2 weeks away and then we're done! I can't wait to go back to having my Fridays end early! As it is, I sign off at my normal time but then come back an hour later to put in 90 minutes with my group. I didn't want to get into the ordeal of overtime for this since it's only a 2 month project. The only time my group could all meet for a good working session was this time and I didn't want to make waves about it. So I'm fine with not getting overtime for it, though it would've been nice! lol. But since it's not directly work related, I didn't want to make a stink about it. But it's fine, I'm able to keep track of my emails and all our requests that come in after I normally leave so then on Monday, there's not as much to sift through.


Here's what I did get this week:


A Dream So Wicked by Tessonja Odette--DELUXE EDITION, SIGNED! I love Tessonja's Entangled with Fae series! Her hardcovers are always SO gorgeous, but her DELUXE editions are positively stunning! I still need to read the 4th book of this series and this is the 5th. Then I have another 2 trilogies of hers to read, plus a novella and her book that I might maybe get next week!

A Ghoul's Gotta Do by Victoria Laurie--I was ECSTATIC to see that Victoria returned to this series! This was one of my favorite series of hers and I was always a little sad that it ended. Yes, I still need to read the spinoff series to this that combined this series and another series together with 2 of their side characters. But this series always held so many memories for me! So naturally I HAD to get the physical copy and I could only get it from THEM! *eyeroll* So it took a little while to get and then it was delayed and ugh. But I got it! It's trade size now so it will look a bit odd next to my Mass Market Paperbacks but what can you do? Super glad that she has the same cover art style going on too! So at least that will look nice with the rest!


Then I won these books from LifeInLit & Bookish Signs on Instagram!


Rise of the Vicious Princess by C.J. Redwine--SIGNED & SPRAYED EDGES!
Return of the Vengeful Queen by C.J. Redwine--


THANK YOU Lisa & Amber!!



Then for review from the publisher I received:

The Whispering Night by Susan Dennard (ARC)


And that was it for me this week! What all did you get?

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