Jun 2, 2024

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week has come and gone! It was uneventful once again, though I'll admit being off on Monday was nice! I stayed home, had a nice quiet house and finished one book and started another! A good day indeed! But as usual, the week continues to be uneventful. I finally marked en event I will be going to, but it's not until July. There was maybe two other events that were either June or July I was debating about but they are being held downtown and I hate hate hate our downtown area. I would not feel comfortable going alone, which I always end up doing for events so I am passing. One author I just saw last year, so I can easily order a signed copy of her book and the other author I just read one book from this year and was just kind of meh on so I figure it's not worth the stress I would endure from being downtown at night!


No new releases for me this week but I did still get some books, 2 impulse purchases, 1 FL preorder and 1 newsletter freebie!


What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez--Owl Crate edition. I ended up skipping my Owl Crate the month this came out and though I still need to read it, I really really did like its customizations. I checked their site weekly looking for a hidden dropped, then I tried buying it during their big leftover sale and I had one of my vouchers ready to use on it, but it wouldn't take during checkout! I was like, this will save me $10 freaking dollars TAKE IT!!! It didn't. Then it sold out. Then I was mad, then I started looking online for a reseller. Eventually I found it for a reasonable price. It ended up being a little more than Owl Crate's price, but since I wanted it I figured it was better than the price tags with 3 digits...which were numerous! Pretty sure I found the only 2 copies that were under $100+ and this one was just a little cheaper than the other...so yeah...I'm bookishly insane.

The Prisoner's Throne by Holly Black--FL edition! I would have thought it would be up on Goodreads but I guess no one has uploaded it yet and my phone was charging as I wrote this so here's a not great closeup of the book when I was mainly aiming for the gilded edges that look more yellow in this light. Sigh...

Shadow Burn by Erin Kellison--newsletter freebie read! Unfortunately that means it is not on Goodreads for information purposes. I read this novella series...probably 10 years ago and I am guessing Erin got the rights back to her work as her newsletter popped up I think this year or maybe late last year and she said she'd be revamping the novella series as it wasn't finished. I can't remember what I read to be honest, but I know I read them as I've got the reviews up on this blog! Lol. So I'll probably have to re-read those at some point so I can get reacquainted with this world. It's been soooooo long since I read this series though so yeah. Lol. I remember the novellas might have had new characters vs what we saw in the novel length part of the series. But it should be fun!


Then for review from the publisher I received:

Where the Library Hides by Isabel Ibanez (ARC)--so you can imagine what I will be reading back to back soon! Lol.



THANK YOU Wednesday Books!!





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