Jun 20, 2024

Books from the Backlog #88

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This meme is hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


On a cool autumn night, Annaliese Rose Gordon stumbled out of the woods and into a high school party. She was screaming. Drenched in blood. Then she vanished.

A year later, Annaliese is found wandering down a road hundreds of miles away. She doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know how she got there. She only knows one thing: She is not the real Annaliese Rose Gordon.

Now Annaliese is haunted by strange visions and broken memories. Memories of a reckless, desperate wish . . . a bloody razor . . . and the faces of other girls who disappeared. Piece by piece, Annaliese's fractured memories come together to reveal a violent, endless cycle that she will never escape—unless she can unlock the twisted secrets of her past.




So I added Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn to my pile in October of 2015, according to Goodreads. It may be accurate, but I don't have my photo albums to tell! Because I bought this one impulsively when I was at Anderson's Bookshop for a multi-author signing in which Kate was in attendance. Backlist titles were there and this one sounded good, so I bought it! Lol. I still want to read it too as I love a good thriller! 




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