Jun 25, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday

Okay, so here's another post I had to write early and since I hadn't started my book yet, I still have no teaser. But I promise I'll have one next week!

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. 

This week's topic is: Top 10 Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

*in no particular order

10. FANG FICTION by Kate Stayman-London--this one only recently came onto my radar but it sounds awesome! A young woman basically learns her favorite vampire novel is REAL! I saw it on Goodreads on their contest page, I entered and they kindly contacted me to tell me I lost. 🙄
9. THE DARKNESS WITHIN US by Tricia Levenseller--
super excited for this companion spinoff as I LOVED the first book! It was one of my favorite books of hers!
8. A FIRE IN THE SKY by Sophie Jordan--
Sophie returning to her first YA series, uh yes please! Another contest I entered on Goodreads where they once again, kindly contacted me to remind me that I entered this contest and that I just LOST!

7. A CRUEL THIRST by Angela Montoya--a vampire read, hell yes! This just sounds so incredibly good!
6. PRINCE OF GLASS & MIDNIGHT by Linsey Miller--
I still need to read Prince Phillip's book, but I love that Prince Charming gets a story as he was a prince who was just there in Cinderella. I'd love to know what he was actually doing during her ordeal! Lol.
5. THE SHADOWS RULE ALL by Abigail Owen--
I feel like this release date has changed so much. I am dying to see how this one ends!!

4. OUR WICKED HISTORIES by Amy Goldsmith--I read her debut last year and loved it! So I cannot wait to read more from her!
3. THE HALF KING by Melissa Landers--
I feel like I've had this on my list for at least 2 years. Not sure what caused the delay but super excited that it's almost here!
2. THE HOUSE AT WATCH HILL by Karen Marie Moning--
a new KMM book?! YES PLEASE! I still have like 2 or maybe 3 Dani books to read, but am still stoked for this one! Ironically, it was yet another book Goodreads kindly reminded me that I entered a contest to read it early and they were so super kind to tell me that I lost! Aren't we just so glad that they contact you if you win AND when you lose!

And you all know what's coming next!

1. SPECTACULAR by Stephanie Garber--MY MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK FOR 2024!!! Only a few more months to go!! If you've been following me on Instagram and they haven't buried my posts in your feed, I post a Christmasy Caraval post every 22nd of the month to countdown to this release! So if anyone knows anyone at Flatiron Books tell them to look up agreatreader since Instagram likes to hide us unpopular folk!

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