Hi all! I teamed up with Bewitching Book Tours awhile back to read Allison Pang's A Sliver of Shadow early, and I also signed up for an interview! So today I bring you a short little Q&A with her most famous character from the series.
Yes, Phineas himself is here today!
JESSICA: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Phineas!
PHINEAS: Thank you, thank you! Please, call me Phin!
JESSICA: So, underwear. What's up with that?
PHIN: *shrugs* I like it? But only when it’s clean, mind. I’m not *that* kind of unicorn. Usually.
JESSICA: What do you think Abby will do next regarding Brystion?
PHIN: It’s not really any of my business, honestly. Although the incubus was an excellent cook. I miss that, even if he was a bit of an arrogant ass. Abby can’t cook for shit and that elf prince bodyguard isn’t much better. I mean, how can you burn the coffee...*EVERY* morning?
JESSICA: Will you be helping Abby out when the Doors between the human and faery world close?
PHIN: Yes, but probably not in the way you’re thinking. I’m more of an advisor sort than a “storm-the-castle” type of unicorn. There’s a reason I showed up when I did, though that will probably become more evident later on.
JESSICA: What's your favorite food?
PHIN: Bacon. Rum. Sometimes mixed together.
JESSICA: Where exactly did you come from, before landing in Abby's hands, if you can say?
PHIN: Let’s just say Abby’s family and I go way back and leave it at that, shall I? *winks* Can’t spoil things too much.
JESSICA: Thanks so much for taking the time to answer these questions!
PHIN: Not a problem! See you all later!