Mar 16, 2012

Iron Fey News!!

OMG! Just saw that on Julie Kagwa's blog that there is news in the Iron Fey world!! And it's goooooood!

You ready?

Okay, since the ever popular novellas Julie wrote, Winter's Passage and Summer's Crossing did so well, they are going to be put into an anthology later this year! Yes, the anthology will be called The Iron Legends! But that's not all! There will be a NEW short story in the book, Iron's Prophecy! No idea what that one will be about yet, but I will definitely be buying this! 

But don't leave yet, there's MORE! More, you say! What else could there be? How about in The Iron Legends there will be a sneak peek at the NEXT Iron Fey book?!!

Yes, Julie says there will be another book in the Iron Fey series!! And she says it's coming out THIS fall!!

How freaking-incredible is that?! This about made my day!

I will be sure to post more details as I learn them and Julie shares as well!