Jul 12, 2012

Friday Hops--I'm being FEATURED!!

I am being FEATURED this week! Yay!! First time in the three years of my blogging! Apparently I over-added in January! Just seems like a lot longer!

When did you start blogging?

I started blogging in January 2009, as you may know the story. Rachel Vincent was having a contest for her next book release of Prey and I wanted that early copy! So I had to post a review in as many places as possible, and so I went to Blogger.com and decided to create a blog! I went with the title a GREAT read--spelled like that purposely because Pride really was a GREAT read! My blogging career then started taking a slow start--I didn't win the contest, but kept the blog anyway. So I started posting and following other blogs and picked up a million tips along the way and made some GREAT friends!

What is your favorite part of book blogging?

I definitely like the reading! I love reading and always have, so I really like having this place where I can gush about the books I read to other avid readers! None of my friends were ever really big paranormal readers--I was ahead of my time since paranormal wasn't big when I was in high school. So I love being able to talk about paranormal books with other paranormal readers!

What is your favorite book(s)?

Oh man, seriously?! That is like a dreaded question! I have wayyyy too many favorites! I seriously have an incredibly hard time narrowing it down! I love authors such as Kelley Armstrong, Kim Harrison, Jeaniene Frost, Jenna Black, Shannon Delany, Rachel Vincent...the list goes on and ON! You can check that out on my sidebar! And new authors are always being added to! Although the book that started my paranormal obsession was Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. I read it when I was 13 and just loved it! It was about a girl named Jessica! Who was a writer! Who wrote vampire novels! Basically the story of my life! Ha! But no, I did enjoy those little factors, but the story was just really good too and I was amazed to learn that the author had written her first book at 13 or that was when it was published...

What has been the best thing that has happened to you because of book blogging?

Definitely has to be all the other bloggers I've met! Seriously! I am so glad to finally have other people to talk to and gush over paranormal books! One of my friends is getting into them finally, but it's still a work in progress! I love having my blogging buddies around to get recommendations from and to give them! And getting the occasional ARC is a nice perk too! ;)

This week's question is: What drove you to start book blogging in the first place?

MY ANSWER: I actually wound up answering this in my first interview question above! I tend to ramble about books and book blogging! ;)

TGIF is a weekly feature created and hosted by GReads! that re-caps the week’s posts and has different question each week.

This week's question is: Quotes That Make You Swoon: What are some of the most swoon-worthy quotes you've experienced in a book?

MY ANSWER: Oh crap! I am terrible with this! I don't tend to write down these things, so I wouldn't be able to mention one even if I could! And since 99% of my books are physical books and I don't bookmark or tag such pages I would practically have to re-read every single one to find such quotes!

But I can tell you that a good portion of words that comes out of Bones' mouth makes me swoon! Love that vampire!

And I am pretty sure Pietr--one of my YA boyfriends--from 13 to Life said some swoon-worthy things!

And oooh! Riley from Gena Showalter's Intertwined series and for that matter Cole from her next book Alice in Zombieland! He said some very swoon-worthy things! Riley especially always made me swoon!