Jul 15, 2012

Stacking the Shelves

This weekly meme is hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

Stacking The Shelves is all about the books we are adding to our shelves each week, sharing with you our excitement for our newest titles and maybe have you discover a new book in the process!

Well it was a slow week. I still haven't made it to the bookstore, but I plan on going today. 

Really I would've had an empty mailbox, but I just couldn't bare that thought! So I was naughty and bought a Kindle book! It was one I just read a review on and thought I would add to my stacks eventually. So I added it two minutes prior to writing this post Saturday afternoon! ;)

Angelfall by Susan Ee

Then me in my Disney-geekdom, I am a member of Disney Movie Rewards and had a redeemed a reward back in April--there was some sort of problem and after an email and a phone call, it finally came this week! So I thought I would share it here because...besides being Disney, there is a Belle charm! And as well all know, Belle is the reader princess! :D

It's pretty cool since it has Aurora, Belle and Ariel on it! They are 3 of my fave princesses! Really like Rapunzel too! Snow White and Cinderella are cool too, but I just always loved the other 3! Especially Belle! And we all know why, right? ;)

So that's what I got this week. May not get much next week either since my Kelley Armstrong book--which is hopefully signed--won't be shipped til next Saturday!

What did you get?