Jul 12, 2012

Random Thursday

It's July 12th! Do you know what that means?

You might by now! If not you will be having this down in the next month or two since I always start these posts out like this!
Give up? It means that there is only 292 days left til The Romantic Times Booklover's Convention!

So I am eagerly awaiting for Fall when the registration will open up! In the mean time I am nothing but excited!! Since the convention is in Kansas City, Missouri this year I realized I HAD to go!

I even did a quick Mapquest search on it, the hotel is a mere 3 hours and 43 minutes away from me!! I thought my trip would be 4 hours and change! But it's less than 4 hours!! Yay!! It's 235 miles as well! Which isn't bad! It is a loooooot closer than my aunt's place where I went earlier this summer! Closer than Chicago too!

So naturally, I am again now throwing this out there...roommate! Anyone thinking of going yet? Anyone saying they are going come hell or high water? Because I am! Would like a roommate this year, particularly one of you bloggers! Think it would be so fun to room with someone else who is as crazy about books and authors as I am!!

No need to decide now! This is just my monthly, random reminder! You'll be seeing me begging more and more as we get to Fall! Cause once I register for the convention, my next move is reserving a room a the convention hotel! :)