Jul 3, 2012

Teaser Tuesday

Here are the rules:
1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page
3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.
This one is pretty different from the first with new characters. God, it's been sooooo long since I read the last book--about 1 year, but 100s of books ago--so my memory is fuzzy on those details. But it feels like a fresh story, but still with blood magic.
"Mab. She was lying prone on the hard-packed dirt, hands folded on her stomach, eyes closed. Her hair sprawled all around her like a Disney princess.

"I crouched besides her, a hand hovering over her shin. It didn't look like she was breathing. 'Mab?'

"Her eyes flickered open." Kindle location 1742/4207*

*This quote comes from my e-ARC, therefore it and the location are not final.

TITLE: The Blood Keeper
AUTHOR: Tessa Gratton
Random House Children's Books
Paranormal YA
August 28, 2012