I am getting so annoyed with with my blogger dashboard lately.
There are times when it shows that I follow ZERO blogs! Zero! I follow wayyy more than that since I try to follow all the people who follow me. And it just shows nothing. And I cannot get a response when I email blogger or google or whoever it is that I send my request for help or answers.
Not sure if this was the issue people had and moved to Wordpress. Don't think it was from the few people I've talked to.
But then after waiting getting totally angry and ready to burst, the blogs magically appear! At least they did last time. I am still waiting for that to happen again!
Worst of all, my "google reader" barely shows half! It has like 400+ blogs there, but I know for a FACT that I follow wayyy more than that! So apparently every time I click "follow this blog" through the google friend connector thingy, it doesn't add itself to that list there.
So very very irritated right now! I set aside this hour every afternoon to do my blog visits and now I can't do them!
Sorry for the ranting! Just wanted to get that off my chest since I had no one to personally vent to! If you don't see me around your blogs, you now know the reason behind that! Hoping it fixes itself soon.
EDIT: Naturally after I finished typing this rant and getting it all off my chest, the blogs magically appeared! It's soooo annoying when it happens, but I am glad that it fixes itself...just 20 minutes later than I wanted to start!