Jul 2, 2019

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page

3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"Thea had no way of knowing if Amber even knew who Nova was. But the girl was a med intern and at the very least, she'd have access to medical records, so Thea made sure to hold her gaze, thinking, Help me, help me, please. She didn't care if it was pitiful or desperate or weak. She wanted an ally outside her cell, and something told her Amber might be it." p 106

TITLE: Immunity
AUTHOR: Erin Bowman

RELEASE DATE: July 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: Top Ten Childhood Favorites

*in no particular order

10. THE RANDOM HOUSE BOOK OF FAIRY TALES by Amy Ehrlich--I can't count the times I checked this one out of the school library during elementary school!
9. THE STINKY CHEESE MAN AND OTHER FAIRLY STUPID TALES by Jon Scieszka--what fairy tale lover didn't love this parody of the classic tales?
8. THE RAINBOW FISH by Marcus Pfister--there was something so magical about this book and it was definitely the shiny scales! Lol. It had a good moral to it too!

7. HOLES by Louis Sachar--another book that was read to me in middle school by a teacher that I ended up really enjoying! I loved the mystery element to it!
6. ACROSS THE WIDE AND LONESOME PRAIRIE by Kristiana Gregory--I loved the Dear America  Diaries as a kid! This was the first one I read and one of my favorites!
5. MEET MOLLY by Valerie Tripp--like many a girl growing up, I got myself an American Girl doll and that was Molly! So naturally I had to read her books!

4. SCOOBY DOO WHERE ARE YOU? (Comics) by Multiple Writers--Scooby Doo was my first comic book series...and pretty much only one! Lol! Though I don't think my subscription went to #55 as pictured.
3. FALLING UP by Shel Silverstein--like many a kid, I adored his poems! This was the first one I got and is my favorite of all!
2. THE TRUE STORY OF THE 3 LITTLE PIGS by Jon Scieszka--yet another adorable and hilarious story! I loved this one!!

1. HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE by J.K. Rowling--and of course Harry played a large role in my younger years! Granted it was preteen vs childhood, but still the same! Lol.