Jul 23, 2019

Teaser & Top Ten Tuesdays

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Purple Princess of The Purple Booker.

Here are the rules:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a page

3. Pick out 2 lines that are SPOILER FREE
4. Name the title, author, etc.

"She reached her room and skidded to a stop. A crack zigzagged through her door as if someone had forced it open." p 60

TITLE: The Eyes of Tamburah
AUTHOR: Maria V. Snyder
GENRE: YA Fantasy

RELEASE DATE: June 17, 2019 

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week's topic is: Top Ten Settings I’d Like to See More Of (Or At All)

*in no particular order
**this was a challenging topic for me as settings aren't ever really a big deal for me with my paranormal reads. True, it's fun when I know where the characters are at but it's never a bid deal for me. So I just chose some places I'd like to see more of!

10. A BOOKSTORE--I could chose no better picture than that of my dearly departed Borders. Though you are gone, you will live in my heart forever!
9. A LIBRARY--I know these settings might be typical in contemporaries, but I'd like to see these in more paranormal reads!
8. ST. LOUIS--the dullest city on earth...no wonder why no one writes about it! Lol! Though it has popped up a time or two in a few of my books!

 7. CHARLESTON, SC--I've been hear a few times myself and while I think it was a minor setting for one author's series, I'd like to see more of it in books! It's a very interesting place! Plus all the haunted spots!
6. DISNEY WORLD/THEME PARKS--at one point in my preteen years, I wanted to write a horror story where a group of teens were trapped in an amusement park where some sinister ghost was trying to kill them all! Because of course it was a ghost! Lol. Yeah...that story didn't get far. But I bet another author could write something along those lines!
5. ROME--one of the only countries I've ever visited outside my own! I'd love to go back and I'd love to see it in books too!

4. CEDARBURG, WI--random city I know! This is about where my aunt in Wisocnsin lives and I have to say that I love it! I think it's a very nice quaint little place that I think would make the setting for a great paranormal or murder mystery where something sinister lurks beneath the calm! Lol. I'm so weird!
3. THE LEMP MANSION--yes, a St. Louis locale. I still need to actually visit it other than the restaurant. But come one, it's one of the most haunted houses in the US...at least I think it earned that title. It's haunted though. Can you say awesome scary story?
2. ALCATRAZ--a place I hope to visit one day! It's on my bucket list with a few other California places (any guesses as to one of them? lol!)! I think a good scary story could happen with this place as the setting!

1. THE WINCHESTER MANSION--another of my California bucket list items! This house is begging to be in a scary story somehow! It was sort of in one my mystery reads last month, but under another name. Now I wonder if there's a reason why we haven't seen this house as a setting for some story or another.