Sep 27, 2020

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality.


I don't know about you guys, but this week just felt extra long. Doesn't help me when work is starting to get slow. I'm going to be doing some training for the next few days starting Monday. So hopefully that will provide fruitful. In other news, I am have the damnedest time trying to find some Halloween merch! Firstly, it truly looks like Target will not be putting out any adorable miniature erasers! I don't know about your guys, but I kind of just like collecting them! Lol. But I guess COVID has had an impact on Target's eraser industry because they have not had any! On top of that, I keep looking for a cute little Halloween Ghost Succulent thingy-mo-bob, but literally NO Target in my area has it! They either say SOLD OUT or NOT SOLD AT THIS STORE! I took a peek at eBay, which I do in times of desperation, and naturally saw someone selling a set of 3 succulents for $60!! SIXTY DOLLARS on 3 succulents that add up to $9! NINE!! That's highway robbery right there I tell you! Add to that I cannot find a Halloween tote at my usual stores. I knew last year or the year before that I should've bought an extra one, but noooo, I thought the store would keep getting them! And they haven't yet!

I know I'm getting ahead of myself, that this is still September, shockingly. But I am a planner. I like to be ready and done for things before they really get close to starting. I mean, if you've ever seen me pack for a trip, especially a bookish trip, I start like 2 weeks in advance by making multiple lists of things I'll need, what bags they'll go in, etc etc. And yes, that's mainly when it comes to bookish trips that require the extra planning and meticulous packing! Lol! For non-bookish trips I'm making a list of clothes and such a week in advance!

But onto the haul, as I did just ramble a bit too much there! I did not buy a single book! I came close yesterday, but sadly the one and only copy on the shelf was so severely damaged I was not going to spend full cover price on that!

I did do something rash though...I requested another ARC for review and was accepted!

A Vow So Bold and Deadly by Brigid Kemmerer (ARC)
THANK YOU Bloomsbury YA!
Then I got a few other bookish goodies, like my Crush pre-order goodies:
I got a notepad, two bookmarks, two stickers, a bracelet, and the surprise item was an art print, which I decided to cover so if you are waiting on yours you can still be surprised too! 
Then...I fell back on old habits and bought another book sleeve! But it's Halloweenie!! And it's a mass market paperback size and I've only a few of those! I decided I wanted a variety, so I think I'm up to 4 of that size alone! So it's not an addiction in that particular size. LOL!
Thanks again for Fandomsleeves so aiding me in my addiction! Lol! I LOOOVE this size for my mass market paperbacks and have yet to find another shop that carries it or makes the sleeves with such great sturdy quality!
And then some time ago, but it's really hard to remember since shipping and processing times are slower because of COVID, I placed another order on ShopDisney! This is only half of it, the other half has not shipped which makes me nervous because the items were back and forth being on their site, then disappeared, then reappeared, then one disappeared. Just tell me that MINE are set aside and are awaiting being boxed or whatever! I ordered them as quickly as I could so it better not get canceled.
I know the Disney ornaments are not of high quality for their high price tag, but when I saw this one of the Beast giving Belle her library, I had to have it for that alone! The paint job isn't the best, but it's not terrible either, so it's a keeper! I love the details on the back even more because MORE BOOKS!

And then because my order was like $7 or so away from free shipping, I threw in this cute little Halloween pin! Granted now I see another one I really want, so I'm waiting for when one of the other items I'm eyeing "releases" and hopefully I can buy them then too!  

And that was it for me! What goodies did you get this week? Both bookish and non?