This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What questions would you ask any author if you had the chance? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
MY ANSWER: I usually enjoy hearing how they went about their query letter, basically learning of their publishing journey for their first novel.
Other times I like asking what kinds of books they like to read! I sometimes find that some authors don't always like to read books in a genre they are writing in at the moment--which I totally get after hearing their explanations.
I like asking about normal things too, like what do they like to do if they aren't writing or reading...just anything really! I always love hearing them talk!
Oh, yes, thought of another one! On occasion when an author has killed off a favorite character of mine, I tend to quietly (for spoiler reasons) ask them WHY?! Once or twice one has admitted that they do regret killing someone off and that sometimes led to more tears! Lol.