Do you ever start out collecting certain books and then start to wonder, is it really worth it to keep it up? But then you'll notice you collected every available copy of the series and when it comes to that last book you think, shouldn't I just do it one last time?
The Pains of Collecting
For this particular topic, I am not considering my Stephanie Garber collection a painful expense! Lol! I was more so thinking of my collection of Crave books by Tracy Wolff! When the series started spinning out into all these exclusive editions from different stores at the third book, I dove in head first and didn't think anything of it! I was in love with this series and I was hungry for all that extra content! I know people said other people post the stories online in places, but to me that felt a little like stealing. I mean, we balk at people posting a book online for free, the extra content is kind of in the same boat. Even if it is only a few pages long.
So for the last 4 books of the series I found myself doing what I had to do to get all 4 exclusive copies! I guess on this last one it was just starting to wear me out. Mainly because there was NO Walmart in the immediate area that claimed to have the BRAND NEW BOOK on TUESDAY, the day of its release! So I waited until Wednesday, then Thursday, and still nothing! Then it sells out online so Friday I had to make a very long drive to pickup a copy! I created an online order to hopefully to tell me ahead of time if it was successful or not. I didn't receive anything that was negative so I hoped for the best! And luckily I did pick up the order and the book was there! I double checked it and everything to make sure the content was really in it too!
I'm not sure if I will do this with the spinoff series should it go that route...and it very well might. It has become a bit cumbersome financially to keep doing it this way. I might just have to stick with one edition...and maybe sneaking a peek at the extra stuff in the other stores. Who knows, we'll see what happens next year when we get closer to the release, I very well might change my mind! But at least this way my Crave series is complete in the desired fashion!
Have you ever started out collecting every exclusive edition of a series and start to feel a burnout towards the end? I also now have to hope I will meet Tracy again so I can get all my Cherish copies signed so that I can also have a signed series set! I was luckily she toured here for Charm last year, now I just gotta cross my fingers our paths will cross again! I sadly couldn't justify a Texas roadtrip at this time. It's a very long drive and for only 1 author I adore, it was just too much. Maybe next time! Hopefully she'll come closer for the next book!