Jun 11, 2023

Stacking the Shelves


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

Well another week has come and gone. I was still mostly sick all week long too. Apparently taking the "preventive" or "shortens a cold" medicines don't actually do any of those things. Maybe my cold wasn't as severe as it could be, but it still sucked the life out of me for the week. It really wasn't that great of a week either. I tried to buy Apollycon tickets once again this year and once again hit a wall. The ticketing system sucks. I was thrust into a waiting queue on my laptop during which tickets sold out while I waited and finally got my "turn." While on my app I kept trying to futilely add a ticket to my cart and checkout only to have it vanish the second I hit checkout. Guess this will be one event I will never get to attend in my lifetime because I seriously have never had this bad of luck trying to buy tickets for an event. I wish Apollycon would move around like they initially said it would or that The Origin Event, aka Mini Apollycon could've taken off, but that didn't either. And if that wasn't enough, I didn't really add any new reads to my TBR pile, which I guess is both good and bad. I did get some Fairy Loot special editions that I preordered. Though for whatever reason I never received my email that they shipped until the day AFTER I received the books themselves, that was a first for Fairy Loot. Not sure what happened there.

Here's what I got:

Cinder by Marissa Meyer--Fairy Loot edition, SIGNED!
Scarlett by Marissa Meyer--
Fairy Loot edition, SIGNED!
Cress by Marissa Meyer--
Fairy Loot edition, SIGNED!
Winter by Marissa Meyer--
Fairy Loot edition, SIGNED!



Then I received my Rosie Thorns OUABH print order and I am in LOVE! 


And then I sent in my SASE to receive this years Hollows freebie item from Kim Harrison! I've always tried seeing her on tour, but it just isn't going to work this year, so though I usually get the freebie when I order a signed copy from her store, I usually always send a SASE in just to be safe! Although sadly, this year I didn't have time to read the ARC when it was offered as I think they offered it to me later than years past and at the time I couldn't ensure that I would get to it in time, so alas, I must wait to read the book now, so I can't really say what the symbolism is to the item other than exactly what it is. A Visitor's name tag!

And that was it for me this week! What all did you get?