Nov 24, 2023

Book Blogger Hop


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Do you prefer to read old or new books? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

MY ANSWER: In terms of publication year? I guess it doesn't matter. I read books as they release and I also have TBR books that are 10+ years old and just haven't gotten around to them. It doesn't really matter to me of when the book was published of the story is still intriguing enough to me! I got a real laugh out of Vampire Diaries when it was "revitalized" around the time of the TV show coming on, because the original books were published in the 90s so when they taking out their cell phones I was imagining the big old boxy type that were common in the 90s! Lol.

Now if we're talking about new copies vs old copies of books, like new vs used, I'd say I prefer the more new style just because I like trying to keep my books in a neat nice style. Yes, they look "unread" but they aren't. When the spines crack and such it makes me sad. I guess it would depend on my frame of mind at the time, it's either a truly "loved" book or the person doesn't truly "love" books if they are cracking spines as they read them. As I said, I guess it depends on my frame of mind at the time because I can see it both ways. Lol.