This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's topic is: Do you consider yourself a bookworm or a reader? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
MY ANSWER: Oooh good question. And a tough one! Lol! I feel like both? Is that possible? I mean at one point I was a bookworm! I read all day, I devoured books, getting through so many in a I don't have as much time. So it feels like I'm reading slower. But in a sense I still am a bookworm because I happily devour books! Books are my nourishment; I truly cannot live without my books! I always have to be reading something even if I'm slower than other people these days as I sadly still need sleep. The day I can give that necessity up and still be a functional and healthy human being I will gladly do so! Lol.