Nov 5, 2023

Stacking the Shelves--The ACFTL Edition: Part 2 & Lots and Lots and LOTS of Stress


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality

The week was yet another blur. I honestly can't remember much of it. Largely because for the entire week I was stressfully checking the tracking on my UK Stephanie Garber books! I have received 2 of my 6 copies, though my Forbidden Planet only just shipped maybe Friday? There was stress in that area too as my cc info apparently didn't update completely like I thought it did. Numbers must have been reversed and since I couldn't check what I put in, I had to put it in again. But then I'm virtually looking at 2 cards with the same last 4 digits and have no idea which one I need to delete! My last 2 Waterstones copies are sitting at a distribution center in my city...along with 2 other packages (ironically Stephanie Garber related) that have been sitting there since October 26th! I'm stressing about them on the backburner, as all my stress is dedicated to my UK copies that are first print run and are IRREPLACEABLE! So needless to say I am a hot mess! I think I'm going to try calling the USPS "help" number just to see if I can get any kind of answers. Like why these 4 packages have to sit at this distribution center for days and days and the other ones are sitting there for two weeks now! If this were any other kind of package, I would just sit here stewing in silence and be a bit peeved. But sadly, this is Stephanie Garber books so I am a hot mess of stress! Especially since I'm in a trade group where we try to help each other get all 4 covers. Everyone is pretty much done trading or there might be a few waiting on their copies, but not many from the sounds of things. I've been the most vocal about not having them all and needing some still but don't have any to trade, mainly because I need to vent to people who understand the urgency and stress I am under! Lol.

But here is what did come this week:

A Fire in the Flesh by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED edition! I spent a little extra at BAM to get this one!
What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez

A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Gaber--x2; UK Waterstones Exclusive, SIGNED (I totally forgot that pic!)
At least in the two copies that arrived I got 2 different covers, so I'm halfway there! I got the dagger and pawprint! Really want that apple the most! Lol. Hopefully it's one of the two that are at my distribution center, or even the FP copy that is slowly making its way to me...probably stopping at the same stupid center! >:(

A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber--Owl Crate edition! Keeping the art design a secret just in case others haven't gotten theirs yet, but here is the pretty art card that came with it!

Then keeping up with the ACFTL Love, I also bought the new Rosie Thorns print that's a companion to her piece last year! Since I have that one, I HAD to get this one too! Now I just got to place them side by side in my photo album of Stephanie Garber artwork! Lol!

Then I received my preorder goodies for Curious Tides:

I got a bookmark
SIGNED bookplate
an art print
a map! I love maps!!!

And that was it for me this week! Not too bad...I just wish my other UK copies and my other Stephanie Garber related orders would leave that freaking distribution center. I swear I'm probably getting gray hairs from this stress and waiting! Everyone else I know pretty much has all their copies of their books and are working through their trades on the last ones. My worry is people will tell me they have all they need, but they will sell me what I need. I hate when that happens. So wish me luck that the distribution center releases my books so they can come to me AND that they are the last 2 covers that I need! After all this, they really better be! Lol.

What did you get this week?