Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
Well it was another week! Quite the whirlwind too! I constantly checked tracking on my last 2 UK ACFTL copies...well, last 2 Waterstones! I still have a Forbidden Planet and Goldsboro that are in route. Sadly those two were both one of the same covers I already had. Currently I am in talks of trading for the last two I need, my traders are just out of town this weekend, so things are put on pause, which I understand! I actually took a roadtrip myself. While I longed to make the even loooooonger drive to Yallfest, I put myself into the chaos that was trying to obtain a Rebecca Yarros signing ticket in Naperville. Somehow through all the chaos that did in fact ensue, I managed to get a legit ticket in the legit first group! So that's where I was yesterday...what a loooong day that was but it was still pretty fun even if it was just a quick signing! I met up with a friend and got to talk with her for awhile. So it was a good day. A long, long, long day, but a good one! And on Friday, I went to another local book signing. So November is off to a pretty good start!
Oh and uh, for the non-bookish parts of the week...they were unmemorable. Lol. Work was another case of somewhat busyness but it wasn't horrendous. I took Tuesday off for a doctor appointment and to hunt down a holiday edition of Fourth Wing. I didn't want to gamble with the mail man delivering it on time, so I went out to Target to buy a copy--as I worried B&N would not have them after all the midnight release parties. It never fails that when I go to Target at 8am opening time on a Tuesday they NEVER have their new book releases out. I mean...come on! You can't tell me you do this with the video games, movies, or music releases right? In my head the "limited print run" to me was like very few copies at all the stores that sell books. Even though I did end up encountering at B&N...and another B&N...and at Anderson's! I just wanted to have it on release day to give myself peace of mind...because as you know I was already stressing enough about my UK copies of ACFTL! Lol!
Onto the week's haul! Hopefully by next week or early the week after, I will have the rest of the UK copies of ACFTL that I need...maybe my Goldsboro and FP ones too if customs and the distribution center of no return are cooperative too! Lol. Not holding my breath on that one though!
Here's what I got:
A Castle in the Air by Kelley Armstrong--one day I will start this series! Lol!
Vengeance of the Pirate Queen by Tricia Levenseller--SIGNED & Keeper Copy!
A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber--Caitlin Sangster's sprayed edges. I had to get the last one to make it a complete set! Lol!
Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros--SIGNED "holiday edition"
Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros--SIGNED
Then my good friend Maureen helped me obtain the latest edition of Caraval from the Netherlands! Once I saw it and struggled to find a place to ship to the US, she was quick to help me out...again! Lol.
Caraval by Stephanie Garber--Dutch edition
Then I also finally got my October Fairy Loot book which I was really excited for! The cover was...okay. I guess I was hoping for something spectacular but I'll admit, I didn't look to see what the original UK copy looked like. I decided not to share as I wasn't spoiled for it and didn't want to spoil it for anyone else, just in case!
Then I also got my Fairy Loot version of The Scarlet Veil which really surprised me with how quickly it came! I guess I didn't read that it was already on hand or something, because holy smokes that was fast! I'll share some pics here since they shared them previously!
The Scarlet Veil by Shelby Mahurin--Fairy Loot edition
Then I got my preorder incentive for Starling House! I was just starting to worry about a few early fall releases "gifts" and luckily one showed up! Lol.
THANK YOU Tor Books!
Then I got my preorder from the Reading Portal with their OUABH prints! I don't do the page overlays all that much, so I opted for the prints! They are stunning!
And then my packages that were being held hostage at the sorting center, ended up being there for awhile due to a chemical spill! It's funny, I had just reached out to my Etsy shopowner just to see if she knew anything about the delay and she had answers lickety-split! Lol. And then the packages showed up the next day! So it was perfect timing!
I finally ordered up-cycled book flowers from Courtney Anne K Designs and naturally, got some Caraval trilogy ones!
It's hard to see them with the late night photo I took...I'll try to take nicer ones for Instagram soon! I need to find a new vase though as the ones I ordered ended up being too big for the delicate little rose that they are. So I'll be hunting on the internet again...or maybe HomeGoods!
Then lastly, on my jaunt to Naperville (for a successful author signing, might I add! Lol) I popped in B&N because it was right there too and found these bookmarks! I had debated about them the last time I saw them, so I decided to buy them since they were both there this time around!
One is just a fun little old school library checkout card record...I'm blanking on the actual term. It's been a looooong day, might I add. Lol.
Then the cute tired unicorn that says I can't adult today. I mean, truer words, right?
And that was it for me this week. While I wasn't successful in my goal of getting all 4 covers by chance (and I'm too impatient to wait for the last copy) I am very close to getting the last 2 I need and helping other readers get one step closer too! So it wasn't a bad week at all! I'm actually looking forward to next week where I don't have anything important to attend to. I can have a lazy/normal week! Lol!
What all did you get?