Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.
Well another week has passed and holy cow, it's almost Thanksgiving and that means Christmas is around the corner and I haven't even gotten lists from anyone yet. Though to be fair I didn't write my own either. It's hard when all you have are books on the brain...and the need to find a house that I can afford to put them all in! Lol! But yes, it was a pretty mundane week. I didn't get many books. I did get my last ACFTL copy and it was yet another duplicate. I can't believe I even got 2 different covers on my own since 4/5 copies were all the same! But I am in trades for the other 2 and one is in transit to me, the other hasn't gotten back to me yet, but they did just get sick, so I can understand the need to rest instead of rush out to the PO! I traded with them last year, so I feel confident in trading again, so it's just a matter of trying to be patient...but also very hesitant to trust USPS to be quick like a bunny with that horrid sorting center where all my books got held up to begin with! But yeah. Otherwise, pretty boring week.
Here's what I got this week:
Cold Curses by Chloe Neill
A Curse for True Love by Stephanie Garber--UK Goldsboro! This time around I actually requested specific numbers which I did not know you could do! Lol! So I just threw in a bunch of random ones, numbers I liked and such and then added the 1 or 2 in front if it was between 200-250. I ended up with 113! Nothing special attached to it, now I realized I should've gone for 129 for my blogoversary date but oh well! 13 was just for funsies as everyone always considers it "bad luck" but I just find it amusing because people are against it. It was my fave number as a rebellious teen! Lol.
Then I received my preorder goodies for The Night Hunt:
a signed bookplate
a postcard size print
THANK YOU Fierce Reads!
Then I ordered Jacks' dagger letter-opener style from Iridescent Fairytale! I guess I suck with dimensions as I knew the overall length would be about this size, slightly bigger than the Fairy Loot one from whatever box that was, but I thought it would be wider I guess? It's still pretty though! I just need to be better about imagining dimensions than how I do! Lol. I knew it wouldn't be a life sized blade, but I guess I was hoping for "close enough."
Then I ordered another pair of shirts when Woot had a sale! I really ought to stop since the quality isn't the best, but when the designs are SO fun, I can't talk myself out of it! And when they are usually $15 and go on sale for $9 it's hard to say no! Lol.
While their quality sucks, they do get really great artists who make the best bookish designs that make saying no so hard when they are on sale! Cheap price for cheap quality is better than quality price at cheap quality! That's my reasoning at least. Lol.
And that was it for me this week. What all did you get?