Nov 4, 2023

Let's Discuss: Endpoints


So it was as I was reading my current read and I was struggling through some chapters as they were really long and it was getting late and I was getting tired, but I had to force myself to keep reading to hit that chapter mark to get to a stopping point. And it made me wonder...where do you stop reading for the day/night/time?


I was lucky enough to discover that throughout these long chapters are occasional page breaks and due to my exhaustion, I felt like those were good enough. Generally, I like stopping at a chapter as I feel like those are perfect stopping points. I'm not in the middle of a scene or anything, I won't struggle to remember what was going on when I dive back in at whatever point the next day. Chapter marks are perfect!

But then you get those books with insanely loooooong chapters and if you are reading in the middle of the night and woke up at 3:30am to exercise...yeah, reading before bed becomes a challenge. Lol. If there happens to be a page break, I will take that over reading another 20 pages until the next chapter.

It's also why I am always hesitate to pick up my book when I am waiting for the doctor or dentist or something like that. I just know they'll walk in mid scene and I'll be struggling to get back to my stopping point when I have time! Never fails. If you're tired of waiting on the doctor, start reading...they always show up when the book starts getting really good or you're in the middle of a scene! Lol.

What about you? Where do you tend to stop reading when you're tired, or run out of time, or any other reason that causes us to put our books down?