Nov 7, 2023

Mini Review--Dead Letter Days by Kelley Armstrong


Eric Dalton spent most of his life in Rockton, a hidden town in the Yukon for people who need to disappear. Now that sanctuary is gone, and he’s holed up in a wilderness lodge with his girlfriend, Casey Duncan, and their friends, as they scout for a place to build their own Rockton. When Eric and Casey find a literal message-in-a-bottle, it leads them to the mystery of a woman who went missing decades ago, having never received that vital message. As they investigate that cold case, Dalton must finally lay to rest the ghosts of his own past and make some overdue decisions before he’s ready to step forward in his new life with Casey.

Note: This is not a full-length novel. It’s a novella set between the end of the Rockton series and the beginning of the Haven’s Rock spinoff





So I had gotten Kelley Armstrong's Dead Letter Days as a preorder incentive when I preordered Murder at Haven's Rock, so since I'm always behind on my Kelley books I decided to start her new spinoff series to Rockton. It's a bit odd, as it's really a continuance of the series but it's getting a new series name due to spoilery reasons! So basically, if you haven't read the Rockton series, be advised that there will be a bit of spoilers to this one!

Casey and Eric, and the rest of their friends from Rockton have left the community and are looking to start a town of their own. One that will be better and not filled with murderers with no morals. Casey and Eric are off on a walk when they encounter an odd sight; a message in a bottle! In it contains a letter that weaves a very morose story, but one that Casey can't get out of her mind.

You may be surprised to hear that this novella is actually from Eric's point of view! Yes, this is sort of an Eric story! While he and Casey are trying to solve the mystery behind the message in the bottle, Eric is also dealing with some very hard truths. Ones that are rolled over from the original series that involve his childhood. It's pretty heavy material too, but it was enjoyable getting this side of Eric as well.

My memory isn't always the greatest. For the most part this series usually just dealt with a one and done mystery, but there were always personal issues and events and such that rolled over between books. It's those details that get a little fuzzy, but for the most part it's easy to roll with the punches!

This was a happier story than most of the murder mysteries Casey and Eric usually deal with. It ends on a lighter note too! Definitely worth a read if you're a fan of the series and like getting deeper insights to characters. A fun little read that wiled away part of the afternoon!

Overall Rating 5/5 stars