May 27, 2024

Let's Discuss: Mid-Binge Reading

Have you ever set out to binge read a series you thought was completed, but then midway through, find out you were wrong about the book count? That's the situation I found myself in this week and I was distraught!


Mid-Binge Reading


I wasn't even sure what I should title this one, but figure this is close enough! For some reason, I was nearly positive that the Belle Morte series I was picking up was a trilogy! Don't ask me why or how, I just thought it was a trilogy as I thought I may have even heard that for weird reasons the latest book of the series...what I thought was the finale...was going to be published in paperback instead of hardcover. So no matchy sets which also saddens me but what can you do! This is something I know there's no control over so I can't be too upset. What's done is done. Now when it comes to cover art changes, that is something I do get upset over because that was done deliberately! Lol.

But anyway, it was as I was reading the second book of the series I saw that there was a fourth title listed in the front and I was like...that's odd. Didn't the author say the "last" book was being printed in paperback because apparently B&N is limiting their hardcover count on the shelves? 

So after a while I hopped back onto her Instagram account and started sifting through her older posts looking for information. Apparently, I was "remembering" things wrong as she never said "last" book. I think she just said "this" book. Then I think I saw her posts about Bookish Signs and More's stained edges editions and saw the "the rest can be sprayed either way" sort of post when it came to this third book. So that to me was reading as 2 more books as well.

Then here I was starting book 2 in what I thought was a trilogy and learning that there's actually 2 more books to go! I was like ohhhh noooooo! I thought I was happily binging a series and now I learned it's not done and I am already knee deep into it! The first book had a cliffhanger and I'm like I can't stop, thank goodness I've the rest to read and then as I opened book 2 I saw the list of 4 titles and was like...what?!

So now I find myself in a dilemma. Do I go ahead and read book 3 and then subject myself to a long wait for the fourth book? Or do I stop here after the second book and then binge the rest? But then I remind myself, I didn't take my detailed notes for "ongoing" series as I started this second book as I thought I was in binge mode, so I almost have to read the third book! Needless to say I feel like I am in a tailspin as this did not go at all as I planned! I am still thrilled to hear that there's one book to come, but omg, I wish I somehow grasped that earlier! Lol.

Have you ever found yourself in this kind of predicament? Did you ever plan to binge read a series back to back, only to find out the series isn't complete yet and you likely have another year until it is? What did you do? Did you continue on with what you had or did you put a hard stop to it all? Like I said, the first book had some cliffhangers and I was like I CANNOT STOP! Then diving into the second book I realized my mistake after 200 pages or so, so a lot has happened and I only wrote vague reminders for review purposes, not at all for remembering purposes in a year or so! 

I feel like I am at the point where I ought to just read all three books but I know come book 4 that I will be sorely forgetting info since I did just binge so much! This is what happens when don't double check before starting what you thought was a recently completed series! Have you ever been in this kind of pickle? What did you do?

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