May 31, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #308


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: June 5th is World Environment Day. Can you suggest a book that has an environmental message or theme? (suggested by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

MY ANSWER: Well...I can't really recall if any books I've read contained an environmental message, but I do recall a few that had environmental themes...sorta. Maybe. I guess depending on your interpretation of themes and what you consider environmental! Lol. Yeah...I'm stretching that one!

My first rec is the Weather Warden series by the late and great Rachel Caine! This was one of the first "adult" Urban Fantasy series I picked up and is still one of my faves as I consider it an OG! Lol. It involved a group of people who had magical powers related to the weather. They helped to control Mother Nature's darker tendencies with storms and such, trying to make it easier for the rest of humankind. There were also Djinn involved which were connected to Mother Nature as well! It was a freaking awesome series! Before Rachel passed, she was trying to write out one more adventure for this series that I fully backed on Kickstarter, but sadly she had other contractual obligations that came first, then she got sick, then you know the rest. But the series still ended in a good sense and even had a spinoff that was amazing!

Then there was Elle Cosimano's last YA series, Seasons of the Storm! It was an intriguing duology that had these groups of the four seasons all as teenagers who always had to kill the next season before theirs was to begin. So in this instance, Jack, the Winter entity had to kill the Fall entity and then Spring would come and kill him when it was time for Spring to start. But then one day, Jack decides he doesn't want to do this anymore as he had fallen in love with the Spring who always killed him. Chaos, naturally, ensues.

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