May 30, 2024

Books from the Backlog #85


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole @ Carole's Random Life in Books.



Delilah S. Dawson’s award-winning Blud series comes full circle as Tish and Criminy, stars of Wicked as They Come, embark on a sexy and harrowing final adventure in a world RT Book Reviews called “delightfully edgy with hidden charms.”

Ever since landing in the magical world of Sang and falling in love with dashing ringmaster Criminy Stain, Tish has been waiting for the axe to fall. Until her dying grandmother’s last breath on Earth, Tish can’t bring herself to give up her all-too human frailty and commit to life on Sang as a youthful, long-lived Bludman like her handsome husband. But when a peculiar twist of fate delivers Tish’s grandmother to Sang, an unexpected chain of events forces Tish and Criminy to embark on one last wild adventure. From old friends to new and into the lair of terrifying enemies, the couple’s love and longevity will be pushed to the brink by each harrowing encounter. Is blud thicker than blood, and can Tish and Crim find their wicked ever after?



I added Wicked Ever After by Delilah S. Dawson to my TBR pile in October of 2015! It's definitely a Kindle book as this was one last adventure in Dawson's Blud series which I LOOVED way back when! I can't say why I haven't picked this one up. Likely because it's on my Kindle and I always forget about those books because they are not staring me in the face like my other TBR books do! It's very hard to pass them up when they glare at you so! Lol. I'm hoping I can dive into this one without needing to reread the series, as I do recall the books followed different characters each time around while seeing the previous characters. This does lead us back to the first couple, so it should be a nice trip down memory lane!





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