May 30, 2024

Let's Discuss: Forgetting Words


It always seems like in the final hours of the month, I am hit with idea after idea for a discussion! Lol. So here we go!

I was browsing through the contests on Goodreads the other day and I largely look at covers as I do an endless scroll. I'll enter the ones that are books I know I want to read and then I sometimes will pause when I see something that looks interesting and I'll read what it was about. Well, on this particular scroll I saw a cover that caught my eye...I already forgot what the book was, so don't ask, lol. But when I started reading its description I only got in a few words that automatically had me scrolling and then it got me thinking...

Forgetting Words

Okay, another lame title choice, lol. I try to keep them short, but then there are the ones that are hard to explain in 3 words or less! Lol. But basically, what are words you'll read in the synopsis or "cover description" that automatically have you saying, "nope!"

In this particular one I was hit with two where I was just like nope! It's nothing against the words or anything, it's just knowing, from this first sentence, I know this book will not be for me. You make me read it and I'm not going to like it and give a low rating and that's if I force myself to read the whole thing. Words like: warm, hopeful, atmospheric, lyrical, prose, and sometimes powerful--depending on the context--are words that would basically send me running in the other direction. From these words I can gather that the story will not be one of my liking. I run for the hills.

Granted throwing in "contemporary" is likely to do that too, but that's mainly genre related! 

What are words that if you read in a book's synopsis or cover description that would have you automatically passing on it? I feel like having been a reader for so long and constantly adding books to my never-ending TBR pile, I've gotten a good feel for what books will or won't work for me. So I can easily pass on ones that even though at first glance look like they could be a good read, I know they won't necessarily be the kind I am looking for.

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