May 24, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #307


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: What's your favorite outdoor reading spot, and do you have any advice for creating the perfect outdoor reading experience? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer

MY ANSWER: Uhhh...yeah. I'm not really an outdoor kind of person! Lol. Mainly because in St. Louis 25 weeks of the year it's boiling hot, 25 weeks are freezing cold, then you get 1 perfect week of decent spring and 1 perfect week of decent fall.

So yeah. Not much outdoor time if you're me who loathes the heat. I'm an anomaly, as I think everyone else in the "Greater St. Louis Area" loves the heat and humidity! I'm talking, seeing them outside 24/7 during the summer months, when I'm inside with the AC on melting from having just walked to the mailbox. 

Definitely not a person who would read outside in that hideous weather. But I suppose during the 2 weeks where the weather is tolerable and being outside is doable, I'm happy just sitting in a lounge chair and reading. As long as I can prop my feet up on something I'm happy!

But really, it's all about the weather in order for me to read outside. And unless the day falls in one of those 2 weeks, I'm reading indoors! Lol.

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