This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Can you suggest a book that everyone should read at least once in their lifetime? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)
MY ANSWER: Ugh, I kind of don't like this question. I don't want to suggest a book that EVERYONE should read if someone doesn't like the genre I choose. If someone else answers this question with a contemporary or traditionally classic novel, I'd have to respectfully decline on the recommendation, because those just aren't my kind of read that I can enjoy.
But for the sake of answering, I will fall back on an old favorite. I will start with my version of a classic, Demon in My View by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes!
This was early YA Paranormal! This was the start of my vampire reading obsession and I loved this book so much! It probably won't hold up to today's standards as it's a very short read, like under 200 pages if I recall. Nowadays most YA books range at a minimum of 200+ or low 300s. But still, I felt like it hit all the right notes and it was a read that entertained me endlessly until a decade later when the vampire returned to YA literature! Lol.
I would also highly recommend any of the original fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm, Hans Christian Andersen, etc. It's good to know the original roots from the Disney ones! ;)