Last week I encountered a gorgeous bookish art piece that I ended up buying because how could I not? Lol. Then I wondered, what do you do when you encounter bookish art? The kind that wasn't necessarily created by a reader?
Bookish Art
The piece in question is the one I ended up finding in a resale shop! It was sturdily made and was reasonably priced and that little voice in my head said, buy it buy it! We'll find a place for it eventually!
I feel like coming across these kinds of gems is rare! I mean how often does one see something artsy and bookish in person? Or maybe that's just me! Maybe I don't shop in the right places! I still try to look for the most perfect bookish puzzle to do! Yes, I've come across many, but none that ever feel like "me." If that makes sense! I honestly don't know what I think I am looking for in that sense.
But when it comes to beautiful decor pieces like this, I am so easy to please! Lol. I love the love of reading being represented in decor pieces. It just makes me feel acknowledge! This piece was so pretty and so simple! Every reader would be delighted by a bookshelf piece like this and look, there's even room for more books on said shelves! Not that I'll add any real ones, lol. It was just a gorgeous piece. I saw it at the store fairly early in my "circle" of things. Me and my family were the only ones in the store at the time, so I thought, okay, I'll think about it.
I finished my circle, as the store isn't really big and came back to stare at it. It was reasonably priced and that little voice inside my head was like just buy it, buy it!! So I listened! Then the store owner was saying she already had a few inquiries into the piece so I was like, oh I am sooo buying it now! It was one of those shops where the longer items have been for sale they will start decreasing their price. This one just came in at some point so it had until September before its first discount, and I am glad I decided to go full price on it! It was really reasonably priced too so even with the first "discount" it wouldn't have been that much of a difference. Plus after hearing about other inquiries I knew it wouldn't last!
But anyway, I just love seeing bookish art like this. One that's just for the general love of books. Yes, it's always nice finding pieces dedicated to certain books or authors. But there's something magical about finding decor pieces from non-readers too as it makes you feel seen by other "designers," that in some sense, they get you too!
How do you feel about "regular" bookish decor? Do you find the pieces to be just as magical as ones that are representations of your favorite books or authors? Do you own any pieces like this? Ones that are just for the general love of reading?