Aug 4, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--More Shipping Woes & Utter Disappointments


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


Another week done another week filled with some disappointments. First off my B&N books have been MIA since Tuesday. They were shipped a little early again so I got excited thinking they would arrive on Thursday when they told me they would. I got the TOMORROW IS THE DAY email. Thursday was not the day. Friday was not the day. Saturday was not the day. They have not moved in tracking since Tuesday. UPS says they gave them to USPS. USPS says they are waiting to receive them. I now pay $40 for this crap instead of $25. Where is that extra $15 going? It sure isn't invested in shipping! Then the other bad news came when the author I was hoping to meet on Tuesday reported having Covid. I was supposed to meet Maureen Johnson this coming week but now I have no idea if I will ever get that chance. I missed my chance in 2012 when she had to cancel her RT appearance. She never came close to the Midwest again after that. She mentions in her stories that they are trying to move things around and work things out, but I am still fearful that I will not get to meet her and the "move things around" will result in the fake out virtual event that is just utterly pointless. So yeah. Not the best of weeks. Work was other fine. Things are slowly picking up a little here and there, I expect by the end of this month we will be in busy times til November. Usually slows down again in November but still considered our "ramp" season.


So I really didn't get anything this week since all my B&N preorders are lost. I think I have to wait until maybe Wednesday before B&N officially declares them as such? But I do have a stack of books to share that I got last Saturday at the YAM Fest! Which was a fun little event. I'll admit I kind of skipped the panels and hung out around the publisher tables for their free book drops! Then I was waiting for the food trucks to be ready for lunch before the crowd got there! I woke up a little before 2am to get on the road to be at the school before the 7am registration time. So I was hungry! Lol.

And I did get one preorder from an indie store that I bought signed. This was shipped via MEDIA MAIL on Tuesday. Tuesday. Via Media Mail. And it beat my "express" member shipping from B&N. And the store was in AZ, so it's not even semi-local and it still beat out the express or whatever "fast" shipping they want to call their member benefit.


Such Charming Liars by Karen M. McManus--SIGNED! This was essentially the registration cost to get into YAM! Get a signed book and then access to all the authors and such! Not a bad deal because I also got the rest FREE with it!
Ghost Camera by Darcy Coats (ARC)--
though most of these ARCs are already published, I thought free book, why not try it out!
A Family of Killers by Bryce Moore (ARC)
Somewhere in the Deep by Tanvi Berwah (ARC)
The Extraordinary Disappointments of Leopold Berry by Ransom Riggs (ARC)--
I have yet to read a Riggs book and since I was in a good place when they were dropping this limited drop, I hopped in line! Lol.

Then I decided to preorder Alexandra Bracken's newest release from her store to get the super cool coin that ties into the book! You know me, I love a good non-monetary coin with meaning! Lol.

The Mirror of Beasts by Alexandra Bracken--SIGNED! Came with coin and art print

And that was it for me this week! What all did you get?


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