Aug 2, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #317


This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: August is National Romance Awareness Month. Do you have a favorite romantic book to suggest to other readers eager to celebrate love through literature? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)

MY ANSWER: I'm the kind of reader who likes a little romance in her book, but not have it overtake the story! So I can definitely recommend books with romance in it, but they aren't "romance" books.

First up I'll recommend the Falling Kingdoms series by Morgan Rhodes! 

This was a 6 book YA Fantasy series that had it ALL! Romance, magic, betrayals, intrigue, fighting and action was EPIC! There was quite a bit of romance happening throughout these books! Ones you didn't expect, ones you don't see coming at all, and of course the ones you could totally pin down! The romance is only part of the story and for some, it takes quite a few books to appear. I'd have to double check my reviews to see what "hints" I laid out, but yes. It remains one of my most favorite YA Fantasy series ever!

And because I can't help myself from mentioning a Stephanie Garber series, I will go with her latest one, Once Upon a Broken Heart! Of course, her Caraval trilogy is AMAZING and has the perfect amount of romance in them and are HIGHLY HIGHLY recommended! But there is definitely something special about the romance in this trilogy! One character is longing for love, looking for love in all the wrong places and then there's the character who wants nothing to do with love at all. So you got the makings of a perfect romance! Again, it's not the central focus of the story, but it's there throughout the trilogy and I highly recommend it! Both series take place in the same world and while you don't have to read the Caraval books before this one, it helps a little but again, not necessary, but since this is me and I am obsessed with these books, I say read them all!! Lol.

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