Aug 28, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.



For fans of Disney Twisted Tales and Serena Valentino’s Villains comes the next book of the Disney Prince Young Adult series where Prince Charming tells his side of Disney’s Cinderella.

Ever since the death of his mother, Prince August of Charmant has sworn off love. Now with only a few months until he inherits the throne, August is unable to delay conversations of marriage any longer. But news of a magical memory curse plaguing a nearby village—the same village he used to spend his summers with his mother—offers August a reprieve. He convinces his father to give him one week to lead the royal investigation before returning to the palace for good. Despite feeling relief, August dreads confronting his own bittersweet memories of the village, his mother, and Ella, the childhood friend he hasn’t spoken to in nearly six years. But maybe the best person to help him restore the town’s memories is the girl he hasn’t been able to forget.

Once reunited, August is surprised to see how Ella has changed. While she’s still beautiful and clever, she’s more reserved and possibly keeping secrets of her own—a fact August finds increasingly hard to ignore. Together they investigate the origins of the magic impacting the town, but with more and more people forgetting their true loves, their rekindled friendship places them in more danger than they could have imagined. With time ticking down to his return to the castle, August must grapple with his growing feelings for Ella and solve the mystery before it’s too late.

When the clock strikes midnight, the fate of the kingdom may just rely on finding the owner of a lost glass slipper…


I still need to read Prince Phillip's book but I positively love that we're getting into the princes who didn't really do anything! Lol. Eric and Phillip were definitely more active in rescuing their princess, but Charming? What did he do? He didn't really do anything! Lol. The Duke found the slipper and went to all the houses to have the "maidens" try it on! This guy was lazy! So I am definitely intrigued to see what this story will tell! 

Now I kind of wonder if Miller will give Snow White's prince a story, because he didn't do anything really either. He just happened upon her at the beginning, like what were you doing creeping around another castle anyway, weirdo? Then he had been "searching" for her or so the narrator said, so yeah, he's got to have a better story then being a borderline stalker! Lol.

TITLE: Prince of Glass & Midnight
AUTHOR: Linsey Miller

PUBLISHER: Disney Press
GENRE: Disney Retelling
RELEASE DATE: October 1, 2024

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Darynda Jones comes a new story in her Charley Davidson series…

Michael Cavalcante has one thing on his mind when he knocks on Izzabel Walsh’s door at two in the morning, half-dressed and a bit toasted: fix the woman’s heater and get back to bed. He’d vowed never to cover for his maintenance tech again, especially after he got tased and knocked out with a frying pan for his efforts.

Izzy thought she was safe. She’d dyed her hair, changed her name, and moved 1,500 miles away. And still they’d found her. When a member of her ex’s motorcycle club knocks on her door in the middle of the night, supposedly to fix a perfectly good heater, Izzy panics. Not only have they found her, but they will soon discover she has a daughter. Aka, leverage. She needs time to think. To plan. To figure out how to keep the sexy neanderthal quiet. But she has no idea how, short of murder. Can she win him over to her side? Or will he be just like all the others once he finds out what she is capable of?

Michael has one chance to convince Izzy he doesn’t want to harm her or her daughter, but more than that, he wants to know who does. And why. And where he can find them. After all, how else is he going to make sure the two sprites who have wound their way into his heart are safe?


I still need to go back and start this novella series! I think my intention was to wait it out but now I am not sure if the "trilogy" set I have is one that came before this one or not. I tend not to read the blurbs above if I am behind. So I guess I need to read the 3 novellas that I have to see if it's a continuance or the start of something new!


TITLE: Graveyard Dog
AUTHOR: Darynda Jones

PUBLISHER: Blue Box Press
GENRE: Urban Fantasy
RELEASE DATE: October 8, 2024





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