Aug 5, 2024

Let's Discuss: How Much is Too Much?

I've discussed a bit of genre burnout but I wanted to revisit it a little with a slight twist. I was wondering how much is too much? When do you decide you've read a genre for too long (like back-to-back reading, not overall) and it's time to jump to a new genre?


How Much is Too Much?


If I am really enjoying a genre and happen to be picking excellent reads I feel like I don't get burnt out so easily. In fact, I don't want to leave the genre almost because I am finding so much enjoyment in it. But if I happen to read maybe one or two back-to-back that maybe had me struggling a bit here or there for some reason, I get burnt out real easily.

Awhile back I just binged a mystery series that was a little low on mystery solving elements. It was still a little enjoyable, but yeah, I was wanting more mystery, more chills of close calls with the killer. I didn't get that. So then I turned to fantasy reads for a bit. Then I read one that was good, but after awhile I was getting a little bogged down by some of the slower paced turns. Then my current read, while good and enjoyable, I just feel like I am slogging through it. It seems to be a bit more complex than the last fantasy read which was more modern fantasy and this one is still actually modern fantasy. It just has a lot more built up into the world. At the time of writing this I am just under halfway through.

I do realize that most of my reading from this weekend came with loud, rambunctious children running around, so that can definitely make comprehension harder to do. But I did get a few good hours in before their arrival and I still felt like I was slogging through.

Also, I believe the formatting of my last two reads also played a role in this. It was pretty small print, with very small line spacing and the words took up the WHOLE page. We're talking words practically from top to bottom with just a very thin line of space. So yes, reading one whole page takes me a lot longer than it was with my other reads.

But as I find myself trying to prepare for events this fall (events that hopefully don't get canceled as this week's event likely will be. Still waiting for confirmation on that) my next read will have to be a fantasy again. But if it's anything like the first book of the series, it will be a lot easier to read! And it won't be a modern fantasy either so a little different.

I feel like changing up the genres does tend to help me with my burn out periods when they happen. Even if I happen to be in similar genres, modern fantasy to actual fantasy I feel like I am still choosing something different as the series I plan to finish next started out as a little bit of a parody of The Princess Bride! So there was humor and I am hoping this second installment follows that same line, though I do believe it's with all new characters! Hopefully as that will definitely make my poor memory recall better! Lol.

Do you ever get the genre burn out? Have you found yourself reading too much of a genre back-to-back and needed a break? How many books did you end up reading before getting burnt out? Was it ever the amount of genre in that book that contributed to the burn out? Like how I am dealing with a bit too complex world-building and slower paces that is making it harder to get through my recent reads.

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