Aug 18, 2024

Stacking the Shelves--The Retail Therapy Edition


Stacking the Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts, and of course ebooks! The meme is now hosted by Reading Reality.


This was a mentally and emotionally exhausting week and I am just glad it's over. I won't get into details, but it was just draining. Plus I had some sort of stomach pain for the last half of it that kept me from enjoying things too, but luckily that kind of dispersed by Friday afternoon. The weekend continued to have me a bit down in the dumps too. I did a little retail therapy but then immediately felt guilty afterwards. This is what happens when you shop alone and don't have anyone to help talk you out of things you might not really need to buy! Lol. Oh well. I was ultimately shocked when my B&N preorders arrived this week! Not the day they told me they would, but the next day, which was SHOCKING! Even more shocking was when one actually arrived on the day they said it would! So yeah, surprises all around! And it was as I was trying to take a few pictures of books for my instagram that I suddenly got overwhelmed with everything in front of me, the stack I'm about to show you, and the hidden trunk of books that was in the other room, plus another couple of shelves worth in my room. So yeah...overwhelming weekend indeed.


Here's what I got:


Born of Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout--SIGNED! I feel like since I will never to get to see Jennifer again and never get to attend Apollycon, I might as well treat myself to paying outrageous cover prices for her books and at least getting it signed. It also came with this sexy art print and matching bookmark!

Then other books I bought/received this week were:

Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson--Maureen was supposed to tour here last week, but sadly it was postponed because of Covid. Sadly, a rescheduled date has not been announced and I am fearing the worst!
Under the Surface by Diana Urban
A Werewolf's Guide to Seducing a Vampire by Sarah Hawley
Wish of the Wicked by Danielle Paige--
I had ordered this last year from a virtual signing that after many long delays, was also canceled and I never got around to getting my copy...until yesterday!
Unholy Terrors by Lyndall Clipstone--
yeah, I pretty much started buying books off my "maybe someday" list when they were half off and actually in the store!
Strange Unearthly Things by Kelly Creagh
Then my Pendragon's Shop edition of A Curse for True Love finally arrived! I love the purple but wish it was a little darker just to fit with the other two books and their bold coloring. Still gorgeous though! And it came with page overlays for the whole series!


Then my preorder gift for Two Sides to Every Murder came in:

a Thriller Reader sticker
a Camp Lost Lake leather bookmark!

THANK YOU Penguin Teen!

Then my other shopping adventures had me buying these bookish and spooky things:

a Wallflower/Nightlight Bookcase from Bath & Body Works--they had a sale Sunday night for 20% off so I decided I might as well use the coupon for this!
Then I bought this like 2 weeks ago and kept forgetting to share it: it's the Big One blanket from Kohl's covered in books! and glasses, plants, wine, but most importantly BOOKS!!

Then I bought another spooky blanket! Yes, I know, 2 blankets in like 2 weeks is crazy, plus my container of blankets is overflowing, but I loved the coloring of this one! It was so cute and then after I saw it at full price, it went on sale like 2 days later! So yeah...I caved and bought it! I'll be ready for any kind of winter storm for sure! And I run hot, so these blankets really are for winter only! Lol.

And that was it for me this week. What all did you get?

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