Aug 15, 2024

Books from the Backlog #96


Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This is a fun meme hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books!


It’s summertime in New York City, and aspiring filmmaker Wes Auckerman has just arrived to start his summer term at NYU. While shooting a séance at a psychic’s in the East Village, he meets a mysterious, intoxicatingly beautiful girl named Annie.

As they start spending time together, Wes finds himself falling for her, drawn to her rose-petal lips and her entrancing glow. There’s just something about her that he can’t put his finger on, something faraway and otherworldly that compels him to fall even deeper. Annie’s from the city, and yet she seems just as out of place as Wes feels. Lost in the chaos of the busy city streets, she’s been searching for something—a missing ring. And now Annie is running out of time and needs Wes’s help. As they search together, Annie and Wes uncover secrets lurking around every corner, secrets that will reveal the truth of Annie’s dark past.




I added The Appearance of Annie van Sinderen by Katherine Howe to my TBR in December of 2015...or that is when I noted it at least. It might have been a Christmas gift. I thought it sounded like a spooky ghosty read and I really wanted to give it a try! I believe I read at least one or two reviews that convinced me that I needed to read it! That cover was spooky enough to give me no further doubts! Hopefully one day I can read it as I still think it sounds awesome!





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