Oct 4, 2024

Book Blogger Hop #326

This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Are there any books that you find particularly creepy or unpleasant, even if they aren't horror novels? (submitted by Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer)  

MY ANSWER: Honestly, I cannot think of a single book that I thought was disturbing that didn't fit the genre. I've read thrillers that had quite a few disturbing moments, that feeling of fear that's not quite horror? But since I kind of categorize thrillers as a subgenre of horror, I don't feel like those can be adequate answers.

I do love a good thriller where the "monsters" are human entities with no conscience. They are like horror novels, but more real. To me, horror usually involves a flair of something otherworldly. I mean serial killers who just keep coming back? Come on, there's something paranormal there even if it's not truly explored!

So essentially I could give you a list of thrillers, that aren't "horror" novels per se, but that feels more like cheating.

I guess the closest book I can give, that's still a thriller, but has a different brand of disturbing is You by Caroline Kepnes!

What makes You disturbing is that it is from Joe's point of view. He's not a raging serial killer, even though he is still a killer. He feels like he's just a guy looking for love in all the wrong places but then he obsesses over woman after woman. It's disturbing, but it's meant to be since it is a thriller. But it's definitely one of the more disturbing series I've read! It's enjoyable and the Netflix series is interesting enough. I still need to read the latest book which may be the final one, I am not 100% sure on that, although I do know the next season of the show is the last one. Joe's story is definitely of the disturbing variety.


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