Oct 21, 2024

Let's Discuss: Reading Makes Me Happy


I write this post on Sunday morning...it's been a little over 48 hours since I last picked up a book and I am going crazy! Yes, this is self-inflicted torture but I wanted to do a Caraval trilogy re-read before Spectacular released and I finished too early, obviously, and I don't want to interrupt my Caraval brain-flow. Yes, it wasn't necessary to re-read the series before the novella, but when have I ever done the "not necessary" things? Lol. So this self-inflicted torture has made me realize, I love reading. Reading makes me happy, without reading...I'm a little...not happy.

Reading Makes Me Happy

Reading has been a staple in my life for years...I'd say ever...but clearly I wasn't reading when I was a baby. If I wasn't reading, I was being read to or I did the childlike thing of looking at the picture books and cobbling up my own stories. Yes, there have been times in the past where I wouldn't read for a day or two, but I was actively doing something, like being on vacation. When I went to Disney World 6 years ago--as One Drive and Shutterfly were reminding daily last week of the last best trip of my life as I highly doubt it will ever be in my budget to return, I didn't get any reading done. Maybe I read on the plane, but I know I was dawn to dusk girlie at the parks, so I didn't read, but I was also in my happy place, so my mental state was safe! Lol.

Occasionally on weekends I might not read but I'll still be doing other things. Well, this past weekend I didn't really have anything to do. No signings. So I started my diamond art project again and did make good progress, but I am still without a book to read and it's starting to wear on my mental state.

I know I could easily pick up a short story or novella, but again, I don't want to break my Caraval mindset, it's the last thing I read so when I finally dive into Spectacular everything will still be (somewhat) fresh! But ugh...it's killing me not to pick up a book or a graphic novel or something to just breeze through to soothe the heartbreak.

But I also know my mind and any other "interaction" with new characters and whatnot will erase the things I remember from Finale and I don't want that. So suffer I must. I only have 24 hours from the time this post goes up and after I get it "scheduled" I will personally have 49 and half hours! I'll be working on my diamond art project for a little bit today after a few errands and whatnot then it's back to work on Monday...with nothing to read on my break.

So the short answer to my rambling here is, that reading makes me happy! When I don't read for a long time (and 2 and half days is a considerably long time) I start to get unhappy. Yes, it's easily fixed but as previously stated, I don't want to confuse my addled memory any more than necessary. This is what happens when you read too fast. I guess I should've started my re-read a week later than I did. Oh well. 

What about you? If you don't read for a certain amount of time, do you start to get sad? Does reading provide you happiness that can't be fulfilled by other easily obtained things? Trust me, if I lived in FL I'd be as Disney World this weekend! Lol.

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